Five Reasons Why Exercise is Good for Mental Health

Five Reasons Why Exercise is Good, If you’ve ever consulted a psychiatrist, psychologist, or read articles about improving mental health, you might have noticed a recurring piece of advice: “exercise.”…

Yoga for Office Syndrome: Alleviate Your Discomfort in Four Weeks

Yoga for Office Syndrome, If you are one of the many people suffering from stiffness and pain in your neck, shoulders, wrists, or back due to prolonged repetitive postures, we…

Can Vitamin D Improve Your Athletic Performance?

When scientists at the Australian Institute of Sport recently decided to check the Vitamin D status of some of that country’s elite female gymnasts, their findings were fairly alarming. Of…

Training All Systems of Your Body

Training All Systems of Your Body I was fortunate to be influenced by some of the great minds in the history of distance running from a very early age. In…


Joe I. Vigil, Ph.D. One of the most compelling success stories of the Athens Olympics was the performance of the U.S. Team in the Marathon. These outstanding performances were the…


Chris Puppione With the rise of the Internet Age has come a rise in the number of readily accessible “oracles” of distance training knowledge. Many of these online personalities pass…